Profile Of Graduates Of Study Program

The Visual Communication Design (DKV) study program brings art and technology together in a
design process. Graduates of this study program understand the basics of good design art as well as master technology in the field of graphic design and animation to produce innovative creations. DKV students are equipped with creative visual communication knowledge, understanding of the meaning of history and culture as well as technology. The study program produces graduates who are able to create a clear portfolio of new media by demonstrating the quality, creativity, conceptual insight and standard attitude of a design professional. The knowledge and abilities obtained by graduates of this study program can be applied in various applications such as design for print media (newspapers, magazines, tabloids, books), electronic media (television, films) or on-line media (web design, multimedia portals and digital publishing). After completing their studies, graduates of the Visual Communication Design study program will have good careers as Visual Communication Design Professionals, Design Academics, and Design Entrepreneurs. All information related to the Information Systems curriculum can be seen at

Career Prospect of Graduates

In semester 6 students are given a choice of specialization according to their interests and talents in carrying out their future professions as

  1. Graphic Designer
  2. Interior-Exterior
  3. Designer
  4. Web Designer
  5. Comic Artist
  6. Illustrator
  7. Product Designer
  8. Page Lay Outer
  9. Video Editor
  10. Colorist
  11. Artist
  12. Storyboard Artist
  13. Narration Voice Artist

Program Educational Objectives

Program Educational Objectives (PEO)

Menyediakan lulusan yang memiliki kemampuan untuk menganalisis proses bisnis dan data serta mengintegrasikan seluruh komponen sistem untuk menerapkan solusi bisnis berbasis sistem informasi pada dunia industri.
Provide graduates who are religious, respect parents and uphold human values in the interaction of national and state life, and have professional responsibilities, ethics and attitudes in their work and mastery of knowledge in the field of Information Systems.


Menyediakan lulusan yang memiliki keterampilan pemecahan masalah bidang Sistem Informasi secara logis, kritis, sistematis, dan inovatif melalui analisis data yang akurat, serta memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik melalui penguasaan bahasa internasional guna menunjang dalam proses belajaran terus-menerus.
Provide graduates who have problem solving skills in the field of Information Systems logically, critically, systematically, and innovatively through accurate data analysis, and have good communication skills through mastery of international languages.


Menyediakan lulusan yang memiliki karakter pemimpin yang kuat, menjunjung tinggi nilai sosial dan semangat kewirausahaan mampu merancang dan mengembangkan bisnis berbasis inovasi dengan pemanfaatan IT sebagai solusi dalam penyelesaian masalah di masyarakat.
Provide graduates who have a strong foundation of knowledge in the field of Information Technology and Business in the core knowledge, breadth and depth of Information Systems.